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Tips for Life After Gray Divorce
Gray divorce is becoming more and more common. As the population in general begins to live longer and healthier lives, older couples are beginning to see more benefits to getting divorced even when they are older. If you are in your late fifties or sixties, you may have many more years of healthy life ahead of you to enjoy without the burden of an unwanted marriage. Many gray divorcees go on to remarry, or even raise children again.
Many older adults worry about what their day-to-day life and social activities will look like after a divorce. It is likely that you and your spouse have a lot of friends and family members in common after many years of marriage. It has likely been a long time since you were single, and it is normal to have fears. You may worry about things like being lonely, or not having the type of help with daily tasks your spouse used to provide.
What Are the Benefits of Mediation in Divorce?
A divorce is mentally and emotionally exhausting and is one of the most challenging things an individual can go through. Many couples turn to mediation as a helpful technique to address complex issues like alimony and creating a parenting plan. An experienced attorney with Elkouri Heath, PLC can act as your mediator, or can represent you in your divorce case.
What Are the Advantages of Mediation in a Divorce?
The court system encourages couples to use mediation and typically will not allow a case to proceed to litigation without attempting mediation first. The court provides a list of approved mediators, but if you and your spouse believe hiring a private mediator is in your best interest, you can do so. Here are a few significant benefits of utilizing mediation in your divorce process:
What Are the 5 Most Common Reasons for Divorce?
Divorce is a common and painful process that impacts many families. While every marriage is unique, there are common scenarios that lead to marital breakups. If you are facing the possibility of a divorce, you do not have to go through the process alone. A skilled divorce lawyer can help you negotiate the different areas that need to be addressed in a divorce settlement.
What Are the Most Common Reasons People File for Divorce?
Here are five of the most common reasons for divorce:
Infidelity: When one partner is unfaithful, it can destroy trust within a marriage
Excessive arguing: When couples have issues communicating and resolving conflict, it can lead to resentment and frustration that wear down the relationship over time
Factors Considered in Parental Relocation in Michigan Child Custody Cases
Child custody issues can be among the most emotionally challenging and legally complex situations that parents have to work through when getting a divorce. When one parent in a joint custody agreement decides to relocate with the child, the situation becomes more challenging and potentially more contentious. Today, we will highlight the key factors Michigan courts consider when evaluating parental relocation requests. If you have questions or concerns related to your divorce, child custody, or any other family law matter, contact an experienced lawyer to give yourself the best shot at obtaining a favorable custody ruling.
Protecting Parental Rights is Most Important
For the court to move a child, there must be sufficient reasons as to why the move must take place. Michigan law states that for parents in a joint custody agreement, neither parent may move more than 100 miles without the expressed consent of the other parent or court. In situations further than 100 miles, the court refers to this as a “change of domicile.” In cases where both parents agree to the move, the move may happen. However, if the parent who is not moving does not consent to the move, that is where things get tricky. In such situations, the moving parent may need to petition the court to grant approval for the move.
How Will My Life Change After Divorce?
Divorce constitutes a major life event that can leave people feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, and even fearful about what may lie ahead. It is normal to have concerns about the future and how your life will change after your divorce. Suppose you are getting a divorce or are thinking of pursuing one. In that case, there are some common areas where significant transformations can occur. Guidance on how to navigate these changes with confidence is important.
For legal guidance, consult with a divorce lawyer. Not only are they legal professionals who know what they are talking about, but knowledgeable and highly qualified attorneys likely have experience understanding the psychology behind divorce and how one’s life may change once it is finalized. For these reasons and more, do not go through a divorce without hiring an attorney.
Emotional Rollercoaster
Divorce often triggers a variety of emotional responses, such as sadness, intense anger, or perhaps even relief. Acknowledging and processing these feelings is essential to promote healing, personal growth, and improvement. Seeking support from friends, family, or even a therapist or mental health specialist can help provide a safe space to express emotions and gain valuable perspective during this delicate and emotional time.
Where to Find Hidden Assets During a Michigan Divorce
During divorce proceedings, the equitable distribution of assets is a critical component in ensuring a fair resolution. However, some spouses may attempt to deceive their partners and hide assets to secure a dishonest advantage. Today, we will be discussing where to look to find hidden assets. If you think your soon-to-be ex-spouse may be hiding assets during your Michigan divorce, alert your divorce attorney as soon as possible to ensure these hidden assets can be revealed at once.
Offshore Accounts and Foreign Investments
One tactic utilized to conceal assets is directing funds to offshore accounts or investments in foreign jurisdictions. These can be in the form of secret bank accounts, shell companies, or foreign real estate. Conducting a thorough investigation into international financial transactions and utilizing the assistance of forensic accountants can help uncover such offshore holdings.
How Can I Protect My Credit During My Michigan Divorce?
Divorce has a funny way of significantly impacting just about every part of your life, including your credit. Of course, many individuals are credit-conscious month-to-month, as maintaining a good credit score can make buying things like a house or a car easier. However, for those getting a divorce, it is crucial to take proactive and aggressive steps to protect your credit during the divorce process in Michigan. Today, we will discuss practical tips and strategies to safeguard your creditworthiness, navigate joint debts, and establish a solid financial foundation for your post-divorce life. Discuss with your divorce attorney how your divorce may affect your credit and seek advice on how to protect it as best you can.
Know Your Credit Status
Before taking any steps to protect your credit, assessing your current credit situation is
essential. Obtain copies of your credit reports from the major bureaus and review them for accuracy. Monitoring your credit regularly will help identify any unusual or unauthorized activity during the divorce.
Do I Need a Lawyer for Child Support Modification?
There is a good chance what one parent may file for a child support modification at some point while the other is paying. Although a judge may apply child support guidelines, modifications are not simple matters. They can have significant impact on the finances of both parents. Thus, a child support lawyer is recommended for the modification process.
The Numbers Are Not Always How They Appear
Each parent needs to disclose their income, so the judge can calculate the new amount of child support if a modification is warranted. Your income may be challenged, or you may have issues about what the other parent has claimed as their income. There are issues such as how to calculate a parent’s income and claims of voluntary impoverishment. The court may adjust a parent’s income for purposes of calculating child support.
Child Support Is Not Just the Monthly Payment
What Happens to Life Insurance in a Divorce?
You and your spouse likely had one or more life insurance policies during the course of your marriage. The need for life insurance does not end just because you no longer have a spouse. Divorce should cause you to reconsider your insurance situation and potentially make changes. A divorce attorney with experience in gray divorces can advise you on how life insurance is treated in a divorce.
Cash Life Insurance May Be Divided
If you had a permanent life insurance policy, it has built up a cash value over time. This cash is akin to equity, and it grows over time based on your investment performance. Even if you terminated the policy, you would still be left with money. The cash value of the policy is considered a marital asset. You may agree to terminate coverage and divide the cash value, after accounting for a surrender policy.
Term Life Insurance May Have Different Treatment
What Happens in a Divorce if I Receive an Inheritance During the Marriage?
Your financial fortunes could change when you receive an inheritance. If you go through a divorce after you receive the inheritance, you want to ensure that you keep the entire amount. The good news is that Michigan law would largely protect the property you have received, unless you have mixed it with marital property. A divorce attorney could advise you further on how an inheritance is treated in your own specific circumstances.
The General Rule Is that an Inheritance Is Separate Property
In general, property received by inheritance during a marriage would be considered separate property, and it would not be subject to equitable division under Michigan law. This rule applies, regardless of whether you inherited the property before the marriage or during the marriage. While that is the general rule, there are reasons why an inheritance could be subject to division. For example, if you have commingled the inheritance with marital assets, it could become marital property. If you have deposited the inheritance into a joint account, or you used it to purchase an asset that was jointly titled, your spouse may then be entitled to their share