Uncontested Divorce Lawyers in Novi, MI

Oakland County Attorneys for Amicable Divorce
Many people who are considering a divorce assume the process will be wrought with difficulty, contentiousness, and anxiety. While some divorce cases do end up that way, it is possible to navigate the end of a marriage in such a way that both spouses feel heard, respected, and valued. At Elkouri Heath PLC, we recognize that the manner in which your divorce is handled can set the tone for the rest of your life. Our attorneys are proud to have guided many clients through uncontested divorce, giving them the opportunity to move forward with their lives quickly and efficiently.
Understanding Uncontested Divorce
The term "uncontested divorce" can be interpreted in two different ways. Some people use the term to describe a divorce scenario in which one spouse files a Complaint for Divorce but the other spouse never responds. Technically, the non-responsive spouse is not contesting the divorce, but such a case can be resolved by the entry of a default judgment of divorce.
The other interpretation of the phrase is the one that is more commonly used and better understood. Under this definition, an uncontested divorce is one in which the spouses have already reached an agreement on the important issues relevant to ending a marriage. This means that there are no contested elements that need to be addressed through mediation, negotiation, or litigation, so the case can proceed much faster.
As with any divorce, an uncontested divorce must include provisions for:
- Identifying, valuating, and dividing marital assets and debts;
- Spousal support;
- Child custody and parenting time schedules;
- Child support;
- Attorneys' fees and expenses; and
- Any other relevant details.
Experienced Uncontested Divorce Lawyers in Canton, MI
When you and your spouse agree to seek an uncontested divorce, you will likely have reached an agreement on most of the considerations relevant to your situation. Therefore, it may seem unnecessary to hire an attorney. Keep in mind, however, that the laws regarding divorce in Michigan can be complicated, and an experienced professional can help you identify any potential problems. Our attorneys will also work with you in drafting your settlement agreement, completing other necessary paperwork, and complying with court deadlines.
Attorneys Susan Elkouri and Symantha Heath have dedicated their careers to helping clients move on with their lives following a divorce. Whenever possible, we take steps to reduce the stress and difficulties of the process, and we are prepared to help you with your uncontested divorce. If you have questions or would like to learn more about our firm, contact our Novi, MI office. Call 248-344-9700 for a free, no-obligation consultation today. We serve clients in Livonia, Northville, Livingston, Washtenaw, Canton, Macomb, Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Wayne County, and throughout southeast Michigan.