Attorney Fees & Costs

Oakland County, MI Family Law and Divorce Lawyers
When filing for divorce, there are many questions that you may have, especially how much it will cost. You are likely worried that the whole divorce process will destroy you financially. If you have any questions regarding the cost of divorce, it is best to consult a Novi, MI divorce lawyer. At Elkouri Heath PLC, we have over 20 years of legal experience in family law and divorce, and we can answer any questions that you may have.
How Much Will it Cost to Hire a Divorce Attorney in Oakland County, MI?
At Elkouri Heath PLC, we provide an initial free consultation. An hourly rate will be quoted to you. The total amount of fees due is dependent upon the complexity of the case. The fees paid are based upon the attorney's time in working on your case. You will be charged for consultations, correspondence, phone calls, preparation of documents, and court appearances. You will also be responsible for costs involved in processing your case such as filing fees, service fees, appraisals, expert witness fees, etc.
If your spouse is ultimately ordered to contribute to your attorney fees, you will be given credit in the amount your spouse pays.
Call a Canton, MI Divorce Lawyer
The feeling that you need to file for divorce is never a good feeling. Even if you know you cannot make amends with your spouse, it is best to keep your relationship as civil as possible. What you do not want to have happen is for you to lose everything just because you and your spouse could not reach an amicable agreement. The Oakland County, MI family lawyers at Elkouri Heath PLC have the experience to walk you through the entire legal process and help you win the best case results possible. To schedule a free initial consultation, please contact us at 248-344-9700 . Serving Novi, Farmington Hills, Royal Oak, and surrounding areas.