Documents Needed in a Michigan Divorce

Oakland County Lawyers List Items Needed for a Divorce
Divorce can be a complex process but the more prepared you are prior to filing, the easier the process may be. Gathering important information early in the process, including about your spouse, can prevent difficulties getting access to the information later.
What You Will Need in a Michigan Divorce
Following is a basic list of items to gather which will be needed in your divorce.
1. Income
a. Paycheck stub from all sources of employment over the last year.
b. Your spouse's paycheck stub from all sources of employment over the last year.
c. If you or your spouse is self-employed; any and all business documents demonstrating payments received and charges billed including but not limited to job bids, invoices for work performed, ledgers of payments received, bank deposit slips, bank statements, independent contractor agreements, contract agreements, documentation regarding any business expenses including but not limited to check registers, cancelled checks, payments received, check carbons, expense records, financial statements, profit and loss statements, and general ledgers.
d. Copies of your joint or individual tax returns both federal and state for the past 5 years.
e. Copies of all business tax returns for any business in which you or your spouse hold an interest.
f. If either party works for cash; documentation which may include check ledgers, receipts for cash payments.
g. Any financial statements or statements of net worth prepared by you or your spouse for the purpose of securing any bank loans or insurance.
h. Any other information that will help to determine your net worth, your spouse's net worth, your joint net worth, your income and your spouse's income.
2. Debts
a. An itemized list of all debts in your name, your spouse's name or in the joint name of each of you and attach the invoices and statements for each.
b. Any outstanding unsecured bills including credit cards, accounts payable, student loans, and/or medical bills.
3. Assets
4. Valuations
5. Real Estate Information
a. Deeds.
b. Abstracts.
c. Legal description of your property.
d. Securities from the mortgage company or lending institution.
e. Current mortgage statements on the first, second and/or home equity loans.
f. All papers and documents covering the initial purchase of the homestead including the purchase agreement.
g. Any and all documents for refinancing the loans.
h. Tax assessment statements on the home.
6. Bank Accounts
a. Savings passbooks or savings certificates.
b. All individual or joint accounts held individually or jointly by you and your spouse.
c. Any and all bank statements or passbooks from any account in your name or held jointly with your spouse.
d. If possible, a list of corporate stock or stock certificates owned by you or your spouse either individually or jointly.
7. Life Insurance
a. Current life insurance policies.
8. Deferred Compensation Plans
a. Recent statements for any and all pension, retirement, profit sharing, 401K, mutual funds and/or IRA accounts.
9. Automobile Title or Registration
a. All automobiles, ATVs, snowmobiles or other vehicles owned by you or your spouse, titled in joint names or individually.
b. Any and all documentation demonstrating the current outstanding loan on the vehicles including payment coupons, amortization schedules or monthly invoices.
10. Employment
a. Your job description and the job description of your spouse.
b. A current resume for you and your spouse.
c. Any benefits information related to you and/or your spouse's employment including health insurance information.
d. Hourly rate, base pay and/or commissions.
e. Bonuses, perks, car allowance.
f. Second job information.
11. Custody
a. Report cards for the children.
b. Medical records for the children.
c. Daycare records.
d. Any homework assignments that you have signed or approved for your child.
e. Any information regarding the cost of any daycare or any private school education expenses.
12. Necessary Monthly Expenses
a. Provide the attorney with a list of necessary monthly expenses. You should be prepared to support this list with documentation that the expenses listed are accurate.
b. Monthly expenses may include but are not limited to; mortgage or rent, real estate taxes, insurance, homeowners, second mortgage, home equity loans, electricity, gas, sewer and water, telephone, cellular phone, waste disposal, cable, television, cleaning services, supplies, equipment, lawn service, snow removal, apparel, haircuts, and sundries.
13. Education
a. Tuition.
b. Transportation.
c. Special activities.
d. Lunch money.
e. Tutoring.
f. Books and supplies.
14. Health Issues
a. Physical health conditions.
b. Mental health issues.
c. Medications, prescribed and/or non-prescribed.
d. Addiction issues.
Call a Livonia, MI Family Lawyer
If you plan to file for divorce, contact the experienced Novi, MI divorce attorneys at Elkouri Heath PLC. With over 23 years of legal experience in the divorce and family law, they are ready to assist you with your case. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a free initial consultation. We provide legal representation for Royal Oak, Farmington Hills, Canton, Northville, and surrounding areas.