Elkouri Heath, PLC


39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 215, Novi, MI 48375

When Can I Terminate Spousal Support in Michigan?

 Posted on March 08, 2025 in Divorce

Novi, MI lawyer for stopping alimony paymentsSpousal support, or alimony, is a court order to give a divorcing spouse financial assistance. If you are ordered to pay alimony to your spouse, you might start to feel burdened while dealing with other bills like rent, a mortgage, or utilities. You may see no other way out aside from waiting for the court order to end. A Michigan divorce attorney can help you explore other options.

At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we have more than 20 years of experience in family law. Our attorneys can provide you with professional guidance and advocate for your rights in a petition to modify or terminate alimony.

Remarriage or Cohabitation

Alimony can be terminated early if your ex marries a new partner. This is rooted in the idea that your ex does not need extra support from you if a new husband or wife is already bringing home additional income. Proving that your former spouse has remarried is a straightforward way to terminate spousal support.

However, you may also petition for a termination of alimony if your ex cohabitates with somebody else. Cohabitation refers to couples who are not married, but live with each other in a fashion very similar to marriage. To prove that cohabitation has occurred, you may have to show that your ex is financially reliant on his or her new partner in some way. If the judge agrees that your spouse is cohabitating with someone else, your alimony payments could be reduced or terminated.

Change in Financial Circumstances

Alimony is based on financial need. In a majority of cases, it is awarded because one party earns significantly less than his or her former partner. However, financial circumstances can easily change after a divorce to such a point where alimony is no longer necessary.

Suppose that your ex gets a significant pay upgrade from a new job, or comes into a large inheritance. You could argue that your former spouse is better off financially and does not need spousal support. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, our attorneys can argue that there has been a substantial change to your ex’s finances.

A significant change in your finances may also be a reason to modify support payments. If you legitimately lose your job, are disabled in a serious car accident, or otherwise lose income for a reason outside of your control, you may ask the court to reduce or terminate payments.

Refusal to Work

Spousal support is meant to be awarded in good faith. Except for indefinite spousal support, the court may order your ex to look for long-term employment or make an effort to become independent.

Unfortunately, some people take advantage of an alimony award by refusing to work. This can be very frustrating to witness after your divorce. If your spouse is capable of working, but chooses not to, you could petition to modify or terminate alimony.

At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we can help you hold your ex accountable for a refusal to comply with a court order to find employment. We can investigate your ex’s ability to work to see if any honest effort to become independent has been made.

Meet With a Novi, MI Alimony Lawyer Today

If you feel trapped with an unfair court order, you might have a way to fight it. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, our Northville, MI family law attorneys can help you petition for a modification or possible termination of an alimony order. Call us at 248-344-9700 today for a free consultation.

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