How Is an Established Custodial Environment Created?
In Michigan, the courts treat child custody as a very delicate matter. A judge will always prioritize a child’s best interests, even if it does not align with a parent’s wishes. When deciding on parenting time, the judge may look to see if there is an established custodial environment in place. This can play a significant role in the final custody ruling, and it may remain in effect for years.
This begs the question – what exactly is an established custodial environment? Essentially, it refers to a child’s consistent home life prior to a divorce, which the courts will attempt to preserve. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, our Michigan family law attorneys can advocate for a favorable custody agreement on your behalf.
An Established Custodial Environment Covers Necessities
Food, shelter, clothing – an established custodial environment will cover all of these needs and more. During a separation, you and your spouse may both have parenting time with your child, but the courts might favor the household with regular meals, a full wardrobe, and other necessities.
During a divorce, a judge will consider both parents’ ability to provide for a child. If you can prove that you have taken care of your child more fully on a day-to-day basis, you may have a claim to an established custodial environment.
An Established Custodial Environment Provides Comfort
Physical health is not the only consideration of an established custodial environment. A judge may also consider who the child turns to for comfort and guidance. An established custodial environment does not have to be a hierarchy of who the child loves more; you and your spouse might have a strong relationship with your child, just expressed in different ways.
If the child finds comfort from both parents, then both parents may have an established environment. Conversely, if one parent is cold or detached, or gone from the home for significant periods of time for work, the court may show preference toward the other parent with whom the child is more closely bonded.
An Established Custodial Environment Is Built Over Time
According to state law, a custodial environment is built over "an appreciable time," which could mean years. The court will take a close look at the time the child spends with each parent and how involved each parent is.
A parent who only sees his or her child on weekends may not have a clear claim to a custodial environment. A judge may rule in favor of a parent who makes an effort to spend meaningful time with a child.
Meet With a Novi, MI Child Custody Lawyer Today
The established custodial environment is not the sole deciding factor of parenting time. Even if you do not have a custodial environment, you still have a right to reasonable parenting time and a right to make decisions in your child’s life unless a judge says otherwise.
At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we recognize just how important it is for parents to remain active in the lives of their children. Our Oakland County, MI family law attorneys can stand up for you in a custody dispute and make sure your voice is heard. Call us at 248-344-9700 for a free consultation.