Who Can Get Spousal Support in Michigan?
If you have been a homemaker or your spouse has been the primary breadwinner, getting divorced can be particularly stressful. You may have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle during your marriage. You may no longer have the professional or trade skills you would need to successfully re-enter the workforce right away. In fact, you might be worried about how you will pay for your basic necessities like housing and food after leaving your spouse. This is where spousal support comes in. Courts do not want anyone to find themself homeless or in need of public assistance because they got divorced. If you would face a financial crisis without it, you might be eligible to receive short or long-term spousal support. A Michigan divorce attorney can assess your situation and help determine whether to demand alimony.
What if I Was Financially Dependent on My Spouse?
If you were financially dependent on your spouse, you are more likely to be awarded alimony. Michigan law recognizes that it is common for one spouse to work for pay while the other manages the household or focuses on raising children. Your noneconomic contributions to the marriage count. Your contributions likely enabled your spouse to focus on their career, meaning that you essentially helped them earn their salary.
What if I Cannot Work?
If you cannot work, the court is more likely to award you long-term spousal maintenance. If you have a disability that keeps you from working, or you are elderly and cannot begin a new career, the court may consider you an appropriate candidate for spousal maintenance. Judges do not want to see disabled or elderly divorced adults end up in a position where they cannot meet their basic needs.
Does it Matter Whose Fault the Divorce is?
It may matter if one spouse is more at fault for the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. A spouse who committed adultery, domestic violence, or other marital misconduct may be more likely to be ordered to pay alimony. This is because courts do not want to see a spouse who was not at fault for the divorce suffer financially for leaving the marriage.
Contact a Northville, MI, Divorce Lawyer
The caring Oakland County divorce attorneys at Elkouri Heath, PLC will do all we can to make sure you have the funds you need after divorce. We want to see you maintain your lifestyle. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.