What Is "Manimony" and Does It Apply in Your Divorce?
“Manimony” is a play on the term alimony that describes the court-ordered amount a divorced woman pays to her ex-husband each month. If a woman makes significantly more money than her husband, she may be subject to paying him alimony post-divorce. According to the 2010 census, 3 percent of alimony recipients were men but that number has risen.
How Alimony is Determined
There are many factors that will determine if alimony will be awarded, in what amounts, and under what duration. Two key factors are the length of the marriage and the difference between spouses’ incomes. The larger the income differential is and a longer length of your relationship can result in a higher alimony award.
Other factors include: the past relations and conduct of the spouses, the abilities of the spouses to work, the source and amount of property awarded to the spouses in the property settlement of the divorce, the parties’ ages and health, a spouse’s fault in causing the divorce, and overall fairness.
The Fairness of Alimony
Many people going through a divorce do not think it’s fair to pay alimony and that alimony itself may be an outdated system. In some cases, a paying spouse may give up to 65 percent of their incomes to an ex. In Michigan, it is possible that an alimony award continues until one of the spouses dies or until the payee spouse remarries. People disagree with this because you can end paying alimony indefinitely. Marriage is one of the only contracts where there are still repercussions after the contract has ended.
On the other hand, alimony is touted by others as a necessary and just component of divorce. It helps the spouse who contributed valuable labor to the household and takes into account that the spouse could not work outside the home. In most circumstances, it is awarded for a specific period of time and helps the spouse adjust to a new life and prepare for the workforce.
Contact a Novi, MI Alimony Attorney
Divorce can cost a lot. Not only can it take a toll on your finances, but it can also result in emotional trauma, strained relationships, and unwanted stress. If you are considering divorce, our knowledgeable Oakland County spousal support lawyers will be able to counsel you on every facet of your divorce. Contact us at 248-344-9700 today. We offer free initial consultations.