What Are the Benefits of Reaching a Custody Agreement in Michigan?
When parents are dealing with legal child custody matters, including during the divorce process or after establishing paternity, the situation can sometimes become contentious. In high-conflict cases, parents are often confronted with the prospect of litigation and the time, costs, and stress that it entails. However, there is an alternative to litigation for parents who are willing and able to work together. It is well worth considering the option of negotiating a child custody agreement for the many benefits that it can bring.
Advantages of a Child Custody Agreement
Michigan family courts allow parents to work together on a child custody agreement on their own, or with the assistance of alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce. Negotiating an agreement with your child’s other parent may be the right decision for a number of reasons. Some potential benefits to consider include:
Maintaining control over the outcome. In child custody litigation, the court has the ultimate authority to dictate the terms of your arrangement. Though a judge will make every effort to account for the child’s best interests, you may feel that you are better equipped to make these decisions as your child’s parent. When you negotiate a custody agreement, you and the other parent can decide on your own terms, allowing you to implement personalized solutions that meet your family’s individual needs.
Saving time and money. Custody litigation can be a drawn-out process involving several court hearings and investigations by a guardian ad litem and other custody evaluators. This also means that court costs and attorney fees can accumulate and reach unmanageable levels. Negotiating an agreement can help you reach a more efficient, cost-effective resolution.
Protecting your children from conflict. Conflict between parents is one of the most harmful aspects of a divorce for children of any age. Litigation often serves to make the conflict worse, and children can be caught in the middle. Reaching an agreement allows parents to avoid destructive conflict and keep the divorce process more amicable.
Maintaining a positive co-parenting relationship. When you negotiate a custody agreement, you and your child’s other parent can consider all of the details that will allow you to work together effectively as you continue to raise your children. Parents who are able to cooperate on a custody agreement are also often better able to abide by its terms and avoid conflict and disagreements in the future.
Contact a Novi Child Custody Lawyer
If you are interested in reaching an amicable child custody agreement and you need legal guidance, the experienced Oakland County family law attorneys at Elkouri Heath, PLC can help. We provide mediation and collaborative divorce services in addition to traditional family law representation, and we can work with you on an approach that meets your needs. For a free consultation, call us today at 248-344-9700.