Tips for Successful Co-Parenting After Your Divorce
The majority of parents who get divorced will share parenting time of their children. It is rare these days that you see one parent given sole custody and decision-making responsibilities and the other parent left with nothing. Most divorce courts recognize that unless a parent is abusive or detrimental to the child’s wellbeing, it is in the child’s best interest to have both parents active and present in his or her life. Co-parenting is never easy, especially if your divorce was less-than-amicable -- which most are not. Though it will not come without serious time and effort on your part, successful co-parenting can be achieved and these tips can help:
Realize You Now Have a Different Relationship with Your Ex
Though you are no longer married, your relationship with your ex will be forever because of your child. It will not be the same relationship that you had during your marriage and that is important to realize. It is easier to think of your co-parenting relationship like a business relationship - it does not matter how you feel about your ex. What matters is the happiness and wellbeing of your child.
Work on Your Communication
Communication is key to successful co-parenting. Though you may still have feelings of anger or resentment toward your ex, you must put those aside for the sake of your child. It can help to keep a business-like tone when talking to your ex. It reminds both you and them that your new relationship is not one that concerns feelings. It can also be helpful to keep your conversations strictly about your child. It does not matter what you want or they want - what does your child want and need?
Be Consistent with Your Child
It can be stressful enough for your child to have gone through a divorce - adapting to a new two-household situation can be difficult for them. Having different expectations at each house only breeds conflict between parents and confusion for your child. It is important that behavioral expectations are the same at both households, as well as routines. If your child always starts his or her homework after dinner, make sure it is the same at both homes.
Hire an Oakland County Child Custody Lawyer to Help Create a Custody Agreement
In order to set yourself up for success in co-parenting, you should build yourself a good foundation and the foundation of any successful co-parenting is a solid parenting plan and custody agreement. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we can help you with all aspects of your divorce, including all of your child-related needs. Our skilled Novi, MI child custody attorneys will work closely with both you and your ex to create a parenting plan and custody agreement that works for everyone. To set up a consultation, call our office today at 248-344-9700.