Tips for Succeeding in Divorce Mediation
When you are going through a divorce, the idea of working with your soon-to-be ex-spouse may seem crazy. After all, you are probably getting divorced because you are not working well as a team and your relationship has broken down to the point where you cannot reconcile. However, with the help of a mediator and an experienced Novi, MI, divorce lawyer, most spouses can resolve their divorce out of court. There are several styles of mediation you can choose from. Some bring you face-to-face with your spouse, although your attorney would also be present. Other mediation styles do not involve contact with your spouse. As long as both of you are willing to make a genuine effort to reach a fair and reasonable resolution, odds are, you will succeed in divorce mediation.
Approaching Collaborative Divorce
It can be difficult to compromise with a spouse you no longer want to be with. Succeeding in collaborative divorce can take effort. Some tips that may help include:
- Know the law - Your divorce lawyer can help you understand how a court would probably divide your assets and structure a co-parenting schedule. Many people feel as though they are “giving up” time with their children or their marital assets when they compromise with their spouse during the mediation process. This is rarely the case. Most spouses going through collaborative divorce arrive at an agreement that closely follows what the court would probably do if it were left to a judge.
- Come in calm - Do what you need to do to feel calm and relaxed before you enter the mediation room. Try meditating, exercising, venting to a friend, or going for a walk in nature before your meditation session. If you begin a mediation session already feeling hurt and angry, you are less likely to have a productive meeting.
- Plan ahead - Make a list of your most important priorities and share that list with your attorney before mediation. Also, think about what you are willing to compromise on. Would you be willing to part with certain assets if it meant keeping the marital home for yourself and your children?
The more prepared you are going into mediation, the more likely you are to succeed. Remember that if you try mediation and it is not working, you can always stop the process and try having your attorneys negotiate instead or even move on to litigation.
Contact an Oakland County, MI, Collaborative Divorce Attorney
Elkouri Heath, PLC can help most spouses resolve their divorces out of court. Our experienced Novi, MI, collaborative divorce lawyers will do all we can to help you reach an agreement you are pleased with. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.