Tips For Helping Your Children Adjust to a Visitation Schedule
When couples decide to file for divorce, it is usually in the best interest of both parties. However, the initial changes that inevitably result from divorce can be difficult. They affect yourself, your lifestyle, your partner, and any children you may have. Children can handle divorce in unpredictable ways since they lack the life experience and maturity to fully understand their parents’ decision. Every family must formulate a parenting plan that includes scheduled visitation. Like most areas of children's lives, their new schedule is out of their control, which can make it difficult for them to adjust. Here are some tips to help if your kids are struggling with the parenting plan transition.
Be Nice to the Other Parent
Children pay attention more than you think. If you are talking negatively about the other parent (even if it is on the phone or to someone else), your children are probably listening. Hearing your complaints may make the children feel guilty about loving their other parent. It is important not to confuse the children and allow them to develop their own opinions about their parents.
Give the Children Their Own Space
In many cases, when parents split, one remains in the marital home while the other lives in a smaller residence. Regardless of the size of one parent's new place, it is important for every child to have their own personal space. Whether it is their own room or simply a designated area in the bathroom cabinet, they should feel like they have a place in your new home and in your new life.
Make Drop-offs in a Neutral Area
When dropping your children off for time with their other parent, do it in a public space such as a school or a park. Choosing a neutral location can help reduce conflicts and forces both parents to make an effort. If there are any messages that you need to convey to your ex-spouse, be sure to do it yourself. Do not relay messages through your children and make sure they are not included in your personal drama.
Contact an Oakland County Lawyer
Whether or not a divorce is amicable, your children should be your top priority. Scheduling visitation can be difficult and the law firm of Elkouri Heath, PLC will do our best to make this transition as smooth as possible for your entire family. Our experienced attorneys have constructed various different visitation schedules and will help you create one that fits your family dynamic. If you have children and are considering divorce, contact our Novi, MI parenting time attorneys at 248-344-9700 for a free consultation.