Tips for Divorce as a Young Adult
Last week, we discussed the benefits of getting divorced as an older adult in our blog. While adults over 50 might have certain advantages in divorce, so do young adults. Younger adults who get divorced are far more likely to have strong social support already in place and also more likely to remarry. However, getting divorced when you are a young adult can also be difficult. If you are only in your 20s or early 30s when you begin the Michigan divorce process, you might feel as if your life has been launched into chaos. Most people who get divorced at this age got married quite young and have not truly experienced adult life without their spouse. You may also experience issues like not qualifying for spousal support, even if you were a homemaker. If you are getting divorced young, it is very important to have an experienced divorce attorney representing your interests.
Helpful Ideas for Young Adults Getting Divorced
You may feel as if there are so many different things to do and think about that you will never be able to do it all. This is one of the reasons it is so important to have a lawyer. Your attorney can be the one in charge of making sure everything gets addressed on time. Helpful tips may include:
- Separate your separate property - If you have not been married very long, you likely owned a lot of the property you have now before you got married. Anything you owned yourself before marriage is likely your separate property. Make a list of things that are not marital property your spouse has a claim to.
- Rely on family - Younger adults are more likely to have older generations of relatives, like parents or grandparents, who are able to help them. Relying on your family and strengthening those bonds can help from both a practical and emotional standpoint.
- Get therapy - While a failed marriage can happen to anyone, if yours went especially wrong, it might be helpful to seek therapy before dating again. This is especially important if you were abused during your marriage.
- Be social - You might feel like hiding in your apartment alone, but going out and seeing friends can help boost your mood and remind you that you are loved. If you and your spouse had a lot of friends in common, it might also be time to look for friends of your own in interest-based clubs or social groups.
The great news is that once you are divorced, you are still a young adult with your entire life ahead of you. The only difference is that you will be free of an unhappy marriage.
Contact a Novi, MI, Divorce Attorney
Elkouri Heath, PLC is experienced in helping adults of all ages get divorced. Our committed Oakland County divorce lawyers will fight for the result that is best for you. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.