Is Virtual Mediation a Good Solution in My Michigan Divorce?
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many families have had to get used to new ways of doing things. Whether this means working remotely, helping children attend school virtually, staying home whenever possible, practicing social distancing, or meeting up with people online rather than in person, things have changed significantly in many people’s lives. In some cases, these changes may have caused relationships between married couples to deteriorate, leading them to consider divorce. However, the same factors that led to this situation may also make the divorce process more difficult. Concerns about infection may affect court proceedings, and reaching a resolution on divorce-related issues can be tricky when the parties and their attorneys are maintaining social distancing. Fortunately, virtual divorce mediation is one solution that can help spouses resolve their differences and complete their divorce during this uncertain time.
How Does Virtual Mediation Work?
During divorce mediation, spouses will typically sit down together in the same room as a mediator, and they will go over all of the issues that need to be resolved before they can legally end their marriage. The mediator will act as a neutral third party, helping the spouses understand how the law applies to their situation and offering suggestions on how they can reach mutually acceptable agreements on issues such as asset division, child custody, and spousal support.
Many of the same processes can be followed when using virtual mediation. Rather than meeting with a mediator in person, spouses can use tools such as Zoom to hold online meetings and discuss the issues that need to be addressed. In fact, this option may provide additional benefits, such as sharing online documents and collaborating to edit them and include language that both parties can be satisfied with. Virtual mediation can also be a good solution for avoiding contentious arguments; if either party becomes emotional when discussing certain issues, or if a discussion starts to escalate into a heated argument, it is easy to take a quick break by walking away from the computer screen.
Once the mediation process is complete, and spouses have reached a settlement, they will be able to complete their divorce by attending a final hearing, where a judge will approve their settlement and issue a final divorce decree. Depending on the procedures followed in different courts, it may be possible for this hearing to be done virtually as well, allowing the entire divorce process to be completed smoothly and safely.
Contact Our Farmington Hills Divorce Mediation Lawyer
If you want to learn more about your options for virtual divorce mediation, or if you have questions about how you can meet the legal requirements to end your marriage during the pandemic, Elkouri Heath, PLC can provide the legal help you need. Contact our Oakland County divorce attorneys today at 248-344-9700 to set up a free consultation.