Is the U.S. Divorce Rate Decreasing?
Entering marriage is always a risk. The divorce rate is rumored to be around 50%, and as much as people are excited about the idea of spending a lifetime together, such high divorce rates seem daunting. Whether you are considering marriage or not, there is a new divorce statistic that is different than the standard 50%. With recent research, it appears that the divorce rate in America is actually declining. According to 2013 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the divorce rate is now closer to 40%.
Divorce Rates Dropping
Since the year 2000, fewer people have been getting married. The average number of marriages per 1,000 citizens used to be 8.2, but more recently, that number has declined to 6.2 marriages per 1,000 citizens. The conclusion that can be drawn from these numbers is obvious: fewer marriages mean fewer divorces. In 2016, there were 827,000 divorces among 258 million citizens. That number is dramatically lower than the 944,000 divorces (out of 233 million citizens) which occurred in 2000.
Is a Changing Society Behind the Reduced Numbers?
While it is impossible to determine the exact reason why divorce rates are going down in America, the ever-changing societal view of marriage may be a contributor. As husbands and wives redefine their traditional roles, marriage and divorce rates have changed as a result, since people are getting married and divorced for different reasons than in the past. The normalization of “relationship help resources” may have helped couples solve marital issues that were not being addressed before. Because of this, divorce is no longer the only solution for a marriage facing problems. Couples counseling has gained credibility and become less taboo in modern society. Now when couples are facing troubles, many go to therapy in an attempt to save the marriage. Despite these resources, some marriages remain irreconcilable, leaving divorce as the only option.
Contact Our Novi Divorce Attorneys
Whether or not the divorce rate is decreasing, people continue to get divorced, and those who are ending their marriage need legal guidance. No matter why you have chosen to get divorced, you will want to have legal representation. If you are going through a divorce or are considering ending your marriage, our experienced, compassionate Oakland County divorce lawyers will help you understand your legal options and work with you to reach a positive outcome to your case. Contact Elkouri Heath, PLC today at 248-344-9700 to arrange a free consultation.