How Does the Stress of Divorce Impact Your Job?
If you are having issues with your marriage, you may not realize just how much the stress and strain may be affecting different areas in your life. Multiple studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between work stress and family stress and that it is not uncommon for people in management positions to take out their marital stress on employees. This can lead to major issues at work, such as incompetence and mismanagement, and create hostile work environments. If you are considering ending your marriage, speaking with an Oakland County divorce attorney can help.
Divorce and Family Life
Marital issues can be incredibly stressful and may tax the patience and mental energies of even the strongest people. However, when hostilities between married couples escalate to the point at which divorce is a possibility, the issues can become overwhelming and have an extremely negative effect on both work performance and overall attitude towards employees.
This is one reason why anyone going through a divorce should seek a skilled attorney to handle the divorce process. Having a seasoned attorney dealing with all the issues of legal matters such as child custody and divorce finances helps alleviate some of the stress of worrying off the person going through the divorce. An attorney can help to minimize the stress so that it is easier to leave your home problems at home, where they belong, and avoid carrying them over into the work environment.
Managerial Mismanagement
A potential workplace problem caused by disturbances at home is managerial incompetence. If you are in a position of ownership or management of a company, you could be held personally responsible for certain types of mistakes you make as a result of your family problems affecting your work life. If you own the company, your bottom line is directly affected by your mismanagement. If you are a manager, agent, or director, you risk breaching your fiduciary duty to the company’s shareholders and incurring personal liability. Needless to say, adding these unnecessary problems on top of your personal troubles is not in your best interests.
Hostile Work Environment
Allowing your personal life to affect your work may result in facing legal allegations of mistreating or abusing workers. Depending on the circumstances, these accusations can be extremely serious. And while workers may be willing to accept an occasional angry outburst from a stressed employer, outbursts can rise to an unacceptable level and legal consequences may result in the end. This is especially true if the employee who falls victim to your wrath happens to be a member of a class protected by federal or state civil rights law.
Contact a Novi Family Lawyer
If you are going through a divorce, call Elkouri Heath, PLC before it begins to affect your work life. Call 248-344-9700 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with a skilled Farmington Hills divorce attorney.