How Does Divorce Mediation Work in Michigan?
Divorce is almost guaranteed to be a difficult process, but in recent years a highly effective method that helps ensure conflict between divorcing couples does not get out of hand has become popular. Divorce mediation has helped millions of divorcing couples all over the United States meet their priorities in their divorce, feel seen and heard, and still manage to effectively compromise. If you are interested in getting divorced in Michigan while minimizing conflict, saving money, and avoiding a long court battle, read on.
What is a Mediator?
A mediator is a trained third party who does not have any kind of relationship with you, your spouse, or your attorneys that could bias the mediator in any way. Mediators must remain neutral to be effective, so they cannot be your friend or neighbor, even if that person is a trained mediator. Michigan has rigorous training requirements for mediators, and they are often also attorneys with specific knowledge of and experience in Michigan divorce law.
What Does a Mediator Do?
A mediator works with spouses, on their schedule, to help them negotiate important issues in their divorce. Mediation meetings are solution-focused, meaning that while each spouse will get a chance to voice their concerns and express their priorities, the ultimate goal of mediation is to find a solution to the issues present in divorce. These includes, but are not limited to:
Each spouse’s attorney may be present in meetings with the mediator, but it is not necessary for the meetings to be productive. In fact, having attorneys present can sometimes make the meetings feel more adversarial, which may inhibit making compromises. If spouses reach an agreement, mediators will help them draft a divorce settlement that spouses can then submit to the court for approval.
Is Mediation Right for Me?
While mediation has successfully helped many couples achieve a satisfactory divorce decree, it is not right for everyone. Domestic violence, hidden assets, mental illness, and other complicating factors may make mediation impossible. In this case, a divorce will likely proceed to trial, where a judge can look at the facts and make decisions.
Contact a Farmington Hills, MI Divorce Mediation Lawyer
If you live in Michigan, are considering divorce, and want to keep the process as peaceful and affordable as possible, call a Farmington Hills divorce mediation attorney at Elkouri Heath, PLC. We are happy to schedule a free initial consultation so you can get a better sense of how mediation could benefit you. Call us now at 248-344-9700.