Getting Divorced in Michigan? Here Are Four Mistakes to Avoid
Even in the best of circumstances, divorce is a very challenging experience. Michigan spouses often have feelings of guilt, shame, sadness, and anger - and they are often left to work through these feelings without the person they relied upon for companionship for many years. The stress and conflict of divorce can lead spouses to do and say things they later regret, or - even worse - which cause serious damage and resentment for years and even decades to come. If you are considering a divorce in Michigan, here are four mistakes to avoid.
Acting Out of Anger
While anger is a natural response to many of the issues spouses encounter in their divorce, decisions made in an angry moment are often unwise or even malicious. Wait to make any decisions until you are no longer angry. You may even want to resolve to never contact your spouse directly unless you are not upset. Try to avoid falling into cycles of past conflict and allow your attorneys to engage in communication related to the divorce.
Settling Too Early
Most people getting a divorce hope for the end to come as soon as possible. While this makes sense, pushing a divorce to a conclusion when you have not navigated an equitable settlement can cause years of problems later on. Take the time to ensure your interests are protected and your needs are met before making the final decision. Once signed, many parts of a divorce decree are permanent.
Forgetting About Taxes
As couples navigate complex property distribution issues, any tax consequences are often overlooked completely. While future taxes may not seem like a big deal compared to dividing the equity in your home or splitting your retirement accounts, these decisions can have a major impact on your future finances. Many Michigan couples find that hiring a financial expert to help them understand the tax implications of a potential divorce decree is helpful.
Stonewalling Your Spouse During Negotiations
Shock, bitterness, and conflict can lead couples to want to completely shut out their spouse during negotiations. This may be understandable, but it can backfire by costing both spouses far more money and time as negotiations take much longer to resolve. While it may be difficult, trying to resolve as many issues as possible without the help of a court can have major payoffs.
Meet with an Oakland County Divorce Lawyer
Divorce is a complicated process that requires skill, compassion, and a thorough understanding of Michigan law. If you are considering divorce, get help from experienced Novi divorce attorneys who will work with you to help your divorce go smoothly and get you into the next stage of your life. Call us today at 248-344-9700 to schedule a free case review with an attorney at Elkouri Heath, PLC.