Elkouri Heath Named One of the Top 20 Child Support Lawyers in Detroit
Elkouri Heath PLC is proud to announce that our firm has been recognized by Expertise as one of the 20 best law firms assisting divorcing parents with child support in Detroit. Our inclusion in this hand-picked list, which was selected from a group of 215 law firms, is a recognition of the benefits we can provide to our clients as we help them resolve issues related to their children during divorce.
Criteria for Selection
Expertise is an online service that helps people connect with qualified professionals in a wide variety of fields. Their selection of businesses is based on publicly available data, with grading being based on five criteria:
- Reputation - A firm’s history of recommendations from satisfied clients.
- Credibility - A firm’s demonstration that they have established themselves in their field by obtaining licenses and receiving awards.
- Experience - The level of education that a firm’s attorneys have achieved and the length of time they have been providing services to their clients.
- Availability - A firm’s level of engagement with their clients, showing that they are easy to approach and responsive to people’s needs.
- Professionalism - A firm’s level of dedication to reliable, quality legal representation.
Assisting Michigan Families With Child Support Issues
Our attorneys work closely with our clients to help them correctly determine their obligation to provide support to their children, ensuring that families will have the financial resources they need following divorce. The amount of child support payments is calculated based on both parents’ net incomes and the number of children being supported, while also considering each parent’s amount of overnight parenting time with their children and whether either parent is required to support children from a previous relationship.
In addition to these support obligations, parents may be obligated to contribute to children’s health care costs and employment-related child care expenses. Parents are required by Michigan law to support their children until they turn 18, or, if children are still attending high school, until they are 19 ½.
Contact a Novi, MI Child Support Attorney
If you need help calculating child support in your divorce, the skilled, experienced attorneys of Elkouri Heath PLC can ensure that the Michigan Child Support Formula is applied correctly, taking your and your ex-spouse’s net incomes, your amount of parenting time, and any other relevant factors into account. With our help, you can make sure your children will have the support they need while being able to maintain your family’s financial security. For a free consultation, contact our Wayne County child support lawyers at 248-344-9700.