Does Not Using My Parenting Time Affect Custody?
"Use it or lose it" can apply to parenting time in Michigan. Most parents want to take full advantage of any time they are able to spend with their children after separating from the other parent. However, parents sometimes fail to exercise their parenting time for any number of reasons. If you have a temporary child custody and parenting time arrangement while your divorce is in progress, it is important to use every minute of parenting time you have. Failing to exercise your parenting time now could cause the court to give you less parenting time in the end. An Oakland County, MI child custody lawyer can work to help you maximize the time you will have with your child going forward.
Michigan Courts Can Consider Failure to Exercise Parenting Time
One of the many factors Michigan courts will consider when awarding parenting time is whether one parent has failed to use his or her parenting time in the past. A parent who has a history of not spending time with his or her children when it is his or her turn to take them will not be looked upon favorably. Missed parenting time windows and repeated failures to show up for a custody exchange often lead to disappointed children and inconvenience to the other parent.
The court’s goal is to do what is in the children’s best interests. Reducing an absent parent’s parenting time leaves fewer opportunities for the children to be disappointed and greater consistency.
What if There Was a Good Reason I Missed Parenting Time?
If there is a reasonable explanation for why you have not exercised parenting time, your attorney can explain it to the court. The less parenting time you have missed, the more likely a court is to be understanding.
For example, say you missed one Saturday you were supposed to spend with your children because your mother was seriously ill and you were visiting her in the hospital. This is not likely to impact your custody case. However, if you have repeatedly failed to see your children on Saturdays because you are playing video games with your friends, the court may believe that you will continue failing to prioritize your children.
Contact a Northville, MI Divorce Lawyer
Elkouri Heath, PLC is committed to helping parents achieve the best possible outcome in their child custody cases. Our experienced Oakland County, MI divorce attorneys handle divorce with compassion and understanding. Contact us at 248-344-9700 for a complimentary consultation.