Divorce Filing Rates Are Highest as a New Year Dawns
More couples begin seeking legal assistance with initiating the divorce process in January than they do during any other month. Because it takes time to process initial divorce-related paperwork, the number of divorce cases filed with courts in Michigan and throughout the country ultimately hit their peak for the year in March.
There are a variety of reasons why January has widely come to be known as “divorce month.” Parents of minors generally avoid filing for divorce during mid-to-late summer because they do not want to disrupt the start of the school year. Then, they hold off during the start of the year and into the holidays for the sake of their kids. Couples without kids often avoid filing for divorce during the fall months and into the holiday season to spare their loved ones excessive stress as well.
If you are thinking about filing for divorce now that the New Year has dawned, you will want to carefully consider how you will approach this process. Your approach will inform everything from how you will go about dividing your marital assets to how much you are likely to incur in legal fees.
Contentious vs. Non-Contentious Divorce
If you and your spouse know how you will divide your property and deal with any child custody matters that may be relevant to your situation, you will only need to work with an attorney for several hours so that your proposal can be finalized, formalized, and submitted to the court for approval.
If you and your spouse need to work through some differences in regard to asset division, child custody, parenting time plan provisions, and/or child support – but you are in a strong position to reach an agreement with some help – you will need to speak with a lawyer about representing your interests via mediation, attorney-led negotiation, or a hybrid strategy.
If you and your spouse will not be able to settle your fundamental differences without judicial intervention, you and your attorney will need to prepare for a contentious divorce process that will take time and resources to resolve.
Contact an Oakland County Divorce Lawyer to Learn More
Connect with the dedicated team of Farmington Hills, MI divorce lawyers at Elkouri Heath, PLC for personalized guidance concerning the divorce process in Michigan. You can schedule a confidential, free legal consultation by submitting a contact form on our website or by calling us at 248-344-9700. Navigating the divorce process is not easy but you do not have to do it alone. We look forward to speaking with you.