Consequences of Dating While Getting a Divorce
If you are in the middle of a divorce, you may wonder if you should get into a new relationship right away or wait until the divorce is finalized. While dating someone new may help heal your heart and reduce stress, you should put it on hold until your divorce is officially over. This may seem difficult right now, but waiting to start a new relationship will be beneficial to you in the long run.
Why to Consider Not Dating in the Middle of Your Divorce
Although there is no official law that forbids you from starting a new romantic relationship during your divorce, it may negatively impact the proceedings. There are several potential consequences of dating while going through a divorce.
Here are a few of them:
- Dating may hurt your child custody case. If you and your ex have children together, a new relationship may negatively affect your custody case. Your ex’s attorney may argue that you are too busy with your new partner to provide your kids with the attention they need. As a result, the judge could possibly limit your parenting time.
- A new relationship may anger your ex. If you are getting a divorce, there is probably already a lot of tension between you and your ex. If your ex discovers that you have gotten into a new relationship, he or she may assume that you were with this person during your marriage. Your ex may feel hurt and betrayed and might prolong the divorce process.
- Dating may make your children feel bad. A divorce is tough enough as it is on children. If you add a new relationship in the mix too soon, it can make them feel even worse. They may be confused about how you found someone new so soon and whether or not that person will receive more of your attention.
- A new relationship can affect your spousal support. If you start dating someone new while you are going through a divorce, you may not be able to receive your spousal support in one lump sum. While your ex may agree to pay you monthly, he or she can stop paying once you move in with someone else.
Contact a Farmington Hills, MI Divorce Lawyer
If you have additional questions about dating during divorce, the lawyers at Elkouri Heath, PLC are here to help. We know how difficult the divorce process is and are here to offer legal advice. Schedule a free, confidential consultation with our Oakland County family lawyers by calling 248-344-9700.