Collaborative Divorce: 4 Benefits for Michigan Residents
Legal shows on TV usually depict divorcing spouses with their attorneys on opposite sides of a table, fighting over who gets the beach house or the dog, or accusing one another of lying. It always seems to end with one side storming out and declaring “I will see you in court.”
Thankfully, most divorces are not “as seen on TV.” Nonetheless, many divorces are burdened with conflicting values and interests that must be worked through along with the logistical issues of asset division, bill paying, and child care.
What is Different About the Collaborative Divorce Process?
Litigation and even mediation tend to be an adversarial “I win, you lose” processes; however, the newer collaborative divorce process seeks to understand the future interests and goals of all family members and create a “win-win” solution that feels fair and equitable to both sides.
4 Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce for Michigan Residents
Among the benefits of a collaborative divorce are:
Confidentiality - When you file for divorce in court, your intention immediately becomes part of public record. Testimony and evidence presented to the court—which may reveal details about your personal life, detailed financials, even false allegations—also typically becomes part of the public record. This loss of privacy can be unsettling and undesirable, particularly when a family business or high-profile person (e.g., a prominent doctor or an elected official) is involved. With collaborative divorce, only the final settlement becomes part of the public record.
Control - Divorcing spouses each have more control over the negotiations and the outcome. In a collaborative divorce, you get to make the decisions that will affect your lives for years to come, rather than having a judge make those decisions. In addition, because both parties make an upfront commitment to achieve an equitable agreement, there is generally far less stress and anxiety involved in the process, as compared to going straight to court.
Cost - Think not only about the financial cost, but also the time involved. When you go to court, the court dictates when and where you have to make appearances. With crowded court calendars, you have no control over how long the process will take. In contrast, with a collaborative divorce, you control the timetable and the meeting place(s), and the dollar cost is typically lower than a litigated divorce.
Cooperation - When two people divorce, that often is not the end of their interaction. They must still work together as parents, for example, or in business, church, or community activities. Contentious litigation can create bad feelings that make future interactions more difficult. In contrast, collaborative divorce seeks to build understanding and agreement between the parties that can lead to easier post-divorce relations.
Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Novi, Michigan
Particularly when children, a family business, or other factors necessitate ongoing interaction between exes, a certified Farmington Hills collaborative divorce attorney can help. The attorneys at Elkouri Heath, PLC are trained and experienced in the collaborative divorce process, so they can facilitate productive dialogue that leads to an equitable settlement and smoother post-divorce relations. For a free consultation, call 248-344-9700.