Can We Stop Our Divorce if We Change Our Minds?
Divorce is a complex period for a couple in many ways. Financially, emotionally, and physically, a couple may feel worn down and discouraged before they reach the point of divorce. Making final decisions can be difficult, especially when both spouses feel as though their marriage may still have redeeming qualities. The decision to end a marriage may be so conflicted that some spouses may be determined to pursue a divorce, only to later change their minds. If this sounds familiar to you and you have already filed for divorce in Michigan, you may be wondering whether it is too late to stop the divorce process.
Why Do Couples Change Their Minds During Divorce?
People are complicated. Understanding someone’s motivations and reasoning can seem like a futile task, as a person’s perspective often changes from day to day. Spouses who suffer from mental illness, have a tendency towards compulsive behavior, or are simply indecisive may change their minds many times throughout the divorce process.
Even the most reasonable spouses may have a change of heart partway through a divorce. They may realize the grass is not greener with another partner, that they still love their spouse, or that their personal or religious values prohibit them from getting a divorce after all. Some spouses realize that living in different households or bedrooms allows them to remain happily married. Whatever the reason, know that feeling conflicted about your divorce is very common and that, if you do decide to change your mind, you would be far from the first person to do so.
What Can We Do if We Want to Stay Together But Already Filed For Divorced?
Whether you can stop the divorce process depends on how far through it you are. If the divorce has already been finalized, the judgment is permanent and cannot be dismissed. Spouses who have a divorce decree will have to get married again if they want to continue a marital relationship.
However, if the divorce has not been finalized, one or both parties must submit a dismissal to the court where the divorce is being processed. If only one spouse has filed for divorce and the other spouse has not responded, only the spouse who files will need to submit a dismissal. Keep in mind that both spouses must agree to dismiss the divorce; if just one spouse changes their mind but the other party wants to move forward, the divorce will still move forward.
Contact an Experienced Team of Farmington Hills Divorce Attorneys
At Elkouri Heath, PLC, our Novi, MI divorce lawyers want to make sure that your divorce process suits your needs and preferences, including if you decide to change your mind. To schedule a free consultation with one of our responsive, experienced lawyers, call us today at 248-344-9700.