4 Signs You May Want to Consider Divorce
In many cases, the decision to get married is an easy and simple one. The decision to get a divorce, however, does not come that easily. Sometimes it can take months and even years for you to finally come to the decision that you are ready to end your marriage. Marriages do not just break -- they slowly erode and deteriorate over time, often giving off many warning signs that it is time to call it quits. Many times couples make the decision to divorce after years of unhappiness, resulting in heated and highly-contested divorces.
Here are four warning signs that you may want to consider a divorce:
1. Your Needs Are Not Being Met
A successful marriage is one in which both partners’ needs are being met. Each partner should be doing his or her best to meet the physical and emotional needs of the other. If you notice that you and your spouse are not meeting each other’s needs or that the relationship has become rather one-sided, it may be a sign that your marriage is deteriorating.
2. You Are Staying Together For the Kids
When you are a parent, your children are likely your number one priority. If you are avoiding getting a divorce because you worry about what it will do to them, then you are not only hurting your children, but you are also hurting yourself. Studies have shown that children who grow up in households with unhappy married parents are worse off than children who grow up with divorced parents.
3. You Do Not Communicate
Communication is key in a marriage. If you are no longer communicating with your partner, whether that be audibly, physically or emotionally, it can mean trouble for your marriage. Sometimes, you may not even realize that you are cutting the communication off between you and your spouse.
4. You Are Not Happy
This one can be simple. Think about your life and your marriage. Everyone has bad days, and you are not going to like your spouse every minute of every day, but when the bad days outweigh the good days consistently, it may be time to reevaluate your relationship.
Talk to an Oakland County Divorce Mediation Lawyer Today
The decision to leave your spouse is one that is completely life altering. It can be a scary thought to uproot your entire life, but sometimes that is the best decision for everyone involved. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we understand that the decision to get a divorce is a very serious one. Our skilled Farmington Hills divorce mediation attorneys can help you go over all aspects of a divorce and can help you complete your divorce if that is the way you decide to go. Contact our office today by calling 248-344-9700 to schedule a free consultation.