3 Tips for Making the Most of Parenting Time After Divorce
Parenting is a job that never ends, even if you and your partner are no longer together. When you choose to get a divorce, you will likely need to create a joint custody arrangement, and both parents will typically have parenting time (sometimes referred to as visitation) with the children. Regardless of your child custody arrangements, it is important to provide a supportive and caring environment for your children--even if the divorce is not amicable. Adjusting to new parenting time arrangements can be difficult, but the following tips can help you and your child become accustomed to the changes.
1. Keep a Smile On
Parenting time should be a positive experience, especially for your children. Even if you and your ex do not get along, it is likely that you will still see them when picking up or dropping off children. During these times, it is important to avoid exposing your children to conflict. Refrain from arguing in front of the children or speaking negatively about your co-parent to them. If you have issues with your former spouse that you need to deal with, you should set up a different time and meeting place to discuss those issues when the children are not present.
2. Be On Time
Since you do not get to be with your children full-time, you need to make them your priority when you are with them. Make sure you are prompt when picking them up and try to reschedule any work calls that you may have during that time period. Make a calendar and share it with your former spouse so that there is no miscommunication about who will be taking care of the children.
3. Make Them Feel at Home
Even if your home is small, it is important to carve out space for your children. Allow them to leave stuffed animals or clothes with you so they do not have to make a transition every time they move between homes. You can also help them feel at home by stocking the fridge and cupboards with their favorite foods or having them help decorate the home. If they want to call the other parent to talk about their day or say goodnight, you should encourage communication and avoid falling victim to jealousy. When they are at the other parent's house, they will likely want to call you too.
Call a Novi Divorce Attorney for Help
Whether or not your divorce is amicable, your children are the top priority. If you need help resolving issues related to child custody or parenting time, the experienced Farmington Hills parenting time lawyers at Elkouri Heath, PLC will answer your questions and provide you with the legal representation you need throughout your divorce case. Contact our office at 248-344-9700 to set up a free consultation.