3 Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce
When you think about a divorce, you probably think of long, drawn out processes, yelling matches in the courtroom and ultimately being unhappy with the outcome. While Hollywood does a good job of painting a dramatic and intriguing picture of divorce, it is rarely like it is in the movies. The truth is, there is more than one way to get a divorce and not all of them are litigated in a courtroom as television shows would have you to believe. Two of the alternative forms of divorce -- mediation and collaborative divorce -- offer unique methods to part ways with your spouse. Collaborative divorce, in particular, offers many benefits over the traditional litigated divorce. Here are a few ways a collaborative divorce can benefit you and your family:
1. It Can Save You Money
One of the big benefits of a collaborative divorce is the financial aspect of it. Many people are drawn to collaborative divorce because you usually spend about half as much as a litigated divorce and about a quarter of what you would pay if your divorce went to trial. Collaborative divorces save you from an abundance of lawyer’s fees, court costs, discovery fees and other hidden costs of divorce.
2. You Can Complete the Divorce on Your Own Timeline
Another benefit of a collaborative divorce is that you can take the process as slowly or as quickly as you would like to. Obviously, the longer you take to settle your divorce, the more you will end up paying. But you have the ability to focus more time on topics you find to be more serious, rather than having to make a rash decision because you were rushed. On average, collaborative divorces take about 18 weeks to finalize, which is about a fourth of the time it usually takes to complete a traditional divorce.
3. You Create Your Own Solutions
The hallmark and key benefit of a collaborative divorce is the ability that you have to make sure that you settle things the way you and your spouse agree on. If you resort to a litigated divorce, there are certain rules that lawyers and judges are required to adhere to, especially when it comes to things like parenting time and child support. With a collaborative divorce, you can create solutions that work best for your family and because of that, you are generally happier with the end result.
Hire an Oakland County Collaborative Divorce Attorney
Collaborative divorces can work for many people, but they are not always the right fit for all families. If you think that a collaborative divorce might be the right option for you, a skilled Novi, MI collaborative divorce lawyer can help you go over your specific circumstances and determine your best option. At Elkouri Heath, PLC, we understand that a traditional divorce is not always right for everyone, which is why we offer many ways for you to complete your divorce. Call us today at 248-344-9700 to schedule a free consultation.